Japandi living room for a soothing space

I love the Japandi timeless trend, it blends modern lines of Scandinavian design with the sleek, functional, elegance of the Japanese aesthetic.We all know Japandi embraces comfort, cosiness of the Scandinavian practice of hygge and the slow-living and simplicity of the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi.

At its core, this movement is about neutrals, texture and de-clutering for a minimal and happier lifestyle. So we spring cleaning around the corner it’s the perfect time to create a harmonious blend of functionality and style.


Naturals materials, clean lines and neutrals colours are key elements in the Japandi style. The outcome is a calm and soothing space that is both aesthetically pleasing  and highly functional.  I love to layer timeless neutrals background with stones, woods, and fabrics. Rugs, cushions and throws add warm cosy feels while sheer curtains which provide some privacy while still allowing lots of natural light in.Having small details like linen books and onyx tray or a marble box create depth and interesting element in your decor.

Lighting also plays an important part in adding dimensions to your room. Try using multiples small warm lights throughout your home to achieve a peaceful and intimate ambience.




One of the reasons why Japandi interiors look and feel so calm is because of the absence of clutter. Unnecessary extras that simply take up space and add visual clutter will take away from creating a calm space.

With busy lives and messy homes, especially if you have small kids, trying to keep a minimal space feels impossible! I really love having natural beautiful containers such as boxes and baskets to hide excess stuff and keep your space feeling clutter-free.

Coastal villa round baskets are perfect for my son toys, they are very beautiful and practical.

Disclaimer: this is not a paid post. Some of the products were kindly gifted by Coastal villa homeware. All words and thoughts are my own.  Photography © Mathilde Kubisiak/MK Design London


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